Kota Blue Polished Limestone

Identified with the name Kota Grey, this plain bluish grey limestone adds liveliness to any place. It comes with a uniform natural finish and available in form of slabs and tiles. This blue stone stands out in the contemporary kitchen and is suitable for exterior flooring and cladding of walls.

Highly durable in nature and fine finish, this Kota blue stone is very tough, non-water absorbent, resistant to slip, and has excellent stain removability. Due to these features, this stone is used for creating artifacts. Kota Blue Polished limestone is quarried at Ram Ganj Mandi, District Jalawad, Rajasthan, North West India.

Technical Specifications

Compressive Strength :1720 kg/cm2

After Freezing :1260 kg/cm2

Water Absorp :1.26%

Bulk Density :2870 kg/m3

Modulus of Rupture :390 kg/cm2

Modulus of Rupture :280 kg/cm2

Abrasion :2.2mm

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